Matchcover glossary H

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H/I (or H-I) — An abbreviation for Holiday Inn matchcovers.
H/M — An abbreviation for hotels and motels, as applied to matchcover classifications of categories.
H/M/R — An abbreviation for hotels, motels and restaurants; a popular combination of categories.
H.P.M. — Abbreviation for Hazardous Products Matches. Starting in 1972, Canadian-made matchcovers had to carry a reference to the manufacturer on the manumark. HPM 01 through HPM 04 are known.
H.W. Stapleton Co. (The) — An old, defunct advertising specialty company located in Salt Lake City, UT, that sold match books.
Half Size — Another older term for Ten-Strike matchcovers. (See Ten Strike).
Half Tone — The intermediate step between a photo and a final art reproduction on a matchcover. This is an industry wide and common printing term, not indigenous to matchcovers.
Hamilton Match Co. — An old, defunct match company that was located in Cincinnati, OH. It started in 1939 and was out of business shortly after the war ended in 1946.
Hanna Match Co. — A match book manumark from Australia. It began operating in 1969 with a plant at North Richmond, N.S.W.
Hard Rock Cafe — A relatively new matchcover category from any of the dozens of Hard Rock Cafe locations around the world.
Hardware — Hobby term used to describe items which are found with matches, such as slides, match holders, vesta boxes, match safes, etc.
Harrison Co. (The) — An old, defunct advertising specialty company located in Union City, IN, that sold match books.
Hats — A peripheral matchcover category with any matchcovers featuring a hat worn by a person.
Head — End of the match that is lighted. Also called Match Head.
Hellerup & Glodefri Taendstrikfabriker — A European match book manumark from Denmark.
Hellman Match Co. — An old, defunct match company that was located in Hollywood, CA, and Los Angeles, CA.
Hemisfair ’68 — (See San Antonio World’s Fair).
Henry Award — A matchcover-collecting Award, conceived by Edgar A. Perkins, for presentation to a collection of outstanding beauty, artistry, originality and collector appeal. This award was first presented at the 1953 R.M.S. Convention in 11 categories. Only awarded for a few years. The award was named after Henry Rathkamp.
Henseleit Match Co. — An old, defunct match company that was located in Kohler, WI.
Hercules Match Co. — An old, defunct match company that was located in New York City and Brooklyn, NY.
High Gloss White Covers — A finish applied to older front strikers, which made the front, appear bright white. Printing was then put over this finish.
Hill-Bigelo — An old, defunct advertising specialty company located in Grand Rapids, MI.
Hillbilly — (Hillbilly characters) A category of stock design matchcovers whose back contained “five laugh-provoking subjects” of Hillbilly Humor. The artist was Martin Garrity, who was published first by the Chicago Match Co. in 1948, and then by a number of match book companies later on. These designs were usually on the back of the matchcover, while the advertisement was on the front. Also spelled Hillbillies. (See Stock Designs).
Hiltons — A matchcover category whose advertisement mentions the locations of the Hilton Hotel Chain (both stock and non stock). This category’s divisions include: 1. Matchcovers from Hilton Hotels, Inc.; 2. Matchcovers from Hilton International Hotels; 3. Matchcovers from Hilton Inns and franchised Hilton Inns.
Hilton I.D. System — A series of 27 different stock design issues of Hilton Hotels. These series listed the various locations around the world on the inside. Some of the issues were known as “The Pontiac Series,” “The Buick Series,” “The Reservations Series” and others. Collectors use want lists for this category. After 1973, no more individual locations were listed, and a single national matchcover was used for all hotels, decreasing the popularity of this category for matchcover collectors.
Hilton Mini-Max — A series of about 30 different matchcovers manufactured by various match companies for the Hilton Hotel chain between the years of 1930 and 1944. It was Hilton’s slogan and stood for Minimum Price — Maximum Service.
Hit — Matchcovers on which the striker has been marked by striking a match stick on it. (See Struck, Bitten, Used).
Hobbymaster — A matchcover album maker, whose albums feature a three ring binder attachment and slit pages. (See Beach, Pages).
Hockey — (See Silver Hockey, Second Hockey).
Holiday Inns — A matchcover category whose advertisement mentions locations of the Holiday Inn Chain (both stock and non- stock). (See N/S-H/I, H/I). Two identity systems exist: 1. The “Basic 17” (now 18) Identity System, or 2. The “Williams Holiday Inn Identity System” mostly used by advanced collectors. Over 23,000 varieties known.
Holiday Inn 4 Color Sets — A series of sets issued in the 1960s by individual locations of the Holiday Inn motel chain. Each set used the same four color combinations. As many as 964 different sets have been reported. (See Holiday Inns).
Honduras Fosforera, S.A. — A Central American match book manumark from Honduras.
Horizontal — A type of full length matchcovers in which the matchcover is held sideways in order to view the design or read the advertisement or message. (See Vertical, Full Length).
Hotels & Motels — A general category classification of matchcovers that advertise places of lodging or rooms for a night (this category might also include guest houses, dude ranches, resorts, lodging inns, houses or courts). Chain hotels are usually not included in this category (i.e., Albert Pick Co. Hotels, etc.) but when they are included, they are considered a sub-category. (See Chain Hotels, H/M).
Horses — A matchcover category with a photos or picture or a horse. Usually, the name is not enough.
Horse Racing — A matchcover category showing or advertising official horse racing tracks, including trotters. Many show pictures of racing horses. Collected as a separate category from Horses. (See Horses).
Hospitals — A matchcover category showing or advertising a hospital, medical center, clinic, etc. Doctors may be included in this category.
Humorous — A matchcover category usually showing a humorous slogan or design, rather than humor related to an advertisement. Sets include the 1958 Metalart Sets, Nebbishes Set, Monogram of California Prison Set, Chicago Match Space Set, Tip ’n Twinkle Sets, and others.
Hundred-Strike — The third longest matchcover size frequently reserved for vacation spots and historical places of interest. It contains 100 match sticks. (Written as 100-stick). (See Souvenir, Two-Hundred Strike, Two-Forty Strike, Centurylite).